K-On is a series full of hilarious and emotional episodes, memorable for a whole host of reasons. But quietly laying among its most amusing sitcom hijinks and its most emotional dramatic high points, lies an episode that, in my opinion, goes severely overlooked as one of the series most interesting and well crafted. The episode in question is 16 of the second season, titled "Upperclassmen," an episode that is low on drama and isn't particularly comedic, and thus tends to get overlooked. But I truly believe that it's one of the most important and interesting episodes in the series, not only playing a big role in Azusa's character arc but also being structured and shot in a very intentional and clever way. So no flowery fanfare for this one, I want to dig in to K-On!! episode 16 (directed and storyboarded by Noriko Takao), and try to get across why I consider it to be one of the most underappreciated episodes of the series. First, I want to establish a bit of set-u...