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Showing posts from October, 2022

Fall 2022 Seasonal Anime First Impressions

The end of a summer is always sad, as it feels like it's the end of a break and when things in our lives start to kick back into gear. We're getting into the busiest time of the year, and that goes for anime too. Fall brings the best whether, the most memorable holidays, and is usually the most stacked season of anime each year, and this particular fall looks to be living up to that tradition. With tons of beloved sequels, noteworthy reboots, and a slew of curious new projects with potential, I have a feeling that things are going to be busy this season even before Halloween. So as always, I'll be sampling at least one episode of each of the new anime coming out this season, and separating them into very appropriately named categories, so that those who read may have an idea of what anime is looking like in this moment. While these entries will be ranked to some extent, I'd prefer readers not pay too much attention to that, as these are solely first impressions and they...